Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 - HERE I COME!!!!

I am finally ready to blog more regularly and keep my coaching, racing and adventures better organized! I even have a note in my calendar to remind me to update my blog weekly. That seems a little sad but necessary, especially when I am traveling!

I stayed in Colorado and had a fantastic holiday celebration with John, his family and our friends! The weather was so nice on Christmas that we rode our mountain bikes through Bear Creek and then we finished the day with concerts by the Murtaugh clan. The week between Christmas and New Years wasn't as productive as I had expected it to be however I really enjoyed the down time. I guess I needed it!

New Years Eve we finally plunged into cold weather and ran the Resolution Run in 17 layers and purple footie pjs! OK, just I ran in them but it was FUN! And really warm! Nicole made us some yummy soup and Keith and Nancy brought the wine! Then over to Mary and Ron's for games and to ring in the New Year!

As I look back on 2010 I have to say it was such an incredible year. I am so blessed with family and friends. One of my #1 commitments for 2011 is to be better at staying in somehow manage my days and nights to be better at answering the phone and having shorter conversations more often. Ha! We will see what that looks like!

I am also going to boost up my STS sales, grow my coaching business and start to kick around the idea of a 2012 IM. Ugh... I am now coaching with Susan Williams and if you know how weak my swim is you can appreciate what a great decision this is. I am really looking forward to meeting her group, getting in the pool with them and having some peeps to chase!

The race season will be very different for me in 2011. I am going to cut way back on races and focus on the half distance. I am also going to stay on the bikes on planes if I can help it. not until Nationals in Vermont! Between now and then I will be doing some longer races, 50K, adventures and snow shoe races in the winter, bike racing all spring and early summer and then rolling into the tri-season to prepare for Worlds in Vegas. Yahoo!

And of course there will be the 10-day Grand Canyon trip with John in June! I CAN'T WAIT FOR THAT! I have never even seen the Grand Canyon! We are going to have such an amazing trip! And then in September we will be in China for ITU Worlds in Bejing! Margaret will be our own personal tour guide! Incredible planning for that is starting now!

2011...Here I come!!!!

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