Wednesday, December 15, 2010

This holiday season

I've had so many great experiences this year and I am soooo far behind in blogging about them...and today I don't really care. Today I want to tell the universe how grateful I am for my amazing life. It seems there are so many people I love who are really suffering right now and it hurts so much. I hate it. I feel so useless. I have nothing to offer that can make the pain go away. I can't help sleep come or tears stop. The last time I saw my brother I was telling him how I grind my teeth at night when I get stressed and he laughed at me. He said "What do you possibly get stressed about? Ooooh, what race will I win next, which bike should I ride or what trail should I run today?" As obnoxious and funny as that was...he was right. I am so incredibly blessed and even if something horribly wrong were to happen tomorrow it doesn't change that I am blessed. The only way I know to help my friends with their sadness is to remember how blessed I am and keep sharing, spreading and spewing my love on them. I love the holidays and I love my friends and family and I want to celebrate with them. So I am going to stay the course, hug, hold and likely annoy people so that they know I am here and will be. And I will be grateful every day. Every day.

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