Monday, February 7, 2011

Margaret & Copper Triangle 2010

Many of you that know me well know that the last few months has been brutally hard for people I love. My sister Margaret has been getting progressively sicker and it is breaking my heart. As much as we both know (it better be!) that is is a temporary condition it is still very scary and frustrating! She is too far away and it is too cold and crappy in New England for anyone who wants to remain strong and can't handle the weather. Right now she can't even walk down the stairs let alone drive the the Y for a workout. I always kid her about living in an attic and right now she really is stuck in an attic and it makes me so sad and sick.I was looking back through blog posts I had written but never posted and I am ashamed to say that I never posted our Copper Triangle weekend from last summer. What a dope. My sister has one of her most amazing athletic accomplishments and I neglected to spout about it! I know Margaret will be back to her feisty self soon enough and until then we can all send good thoughts and mojo her way!

Enjoy this take on our day chasing Davis Phinney around the mountains!In 2009 Margaret trained for and conquered her first Rocky Mountain bike ride! She shocked me by not just finishing but finishing STRONG and having the strength and energy to play with us and visit with Davis Phinney!

2010 was equally impressive! Her training was not what it should have been thanks to some man (we took care of that challenge!) but there was no doubt her training suffered. Ride day you would never have known it! John, Jewels, Barry, Tyler, Heidi, Matt and I all joined Margaret for her annual Copper Triangle ride. She kicked it again this year! It was much warmer at the start this year and that made it much nicer for all of us! The first climb is always hard because you get no warm up and start climbing…we all struggle a bit but by the time we hit Fremont Pass everyone was all smiles and snacking on PopTarts! Ewww! Margaret is so strong and focused…I had a hard time getting her to play with us. Fortunately Tyler and I are easily entertained so we goofed, mocked and chatted with all the other riders! Jewels and Tyler had great training days in the Big Ring while Margaret hammered her way to a faster finish and a much stronger ride overall. She rode to the top of the Tennessee Pass aid station and she ate when other people would share their food! Thanks John and Jewels!

At the end of the ride Margaret had on her radar and found Davis and Connie hanging out at Endos again so she had a chance to visit as well as meet Cindy from the foundation. It was such a great day! Davis and Connie are so gracious and kind. I really appreciate them for all they do for the PD community as well as for the cycling community! Sadly Tyler and Jewels had to boogie back to town and couldn’t play with us but the rest of us relaxed and had fun! I love Copper Mountain and that event! So awesome!

Congrats Margaret!

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