Tuesday, December 27, 2011

180 Days of Cliff Diving!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011. I have been putting off this post for about 10 days now. Every evening I say "tomorrow is my first day of IM training" and every morning I say "it can wait one more day!" I suspect I am putting too much emphasis on the kick off day but at the same time I really feel like I need to commit. I have basically been "off" since February 2011. In that time I have spent thousands of dollars and hours on doctors, procedures, injections, coaching, travel and watching others race. I think I am done now. I have had my hiatus and it is "Tennant Time!" Remember Hammer Time? Same idea but I could never do that dance.

On Christmas Eve John and I made a commitment to one another outside of "meet me for a run!" After 5 years we have agreed that we want to be together forever and we are ready to take some pretty big steps in that direction! Admittedly we don't know what that really looks like...we just know we belong together and with IM training looming we better find a way to spend more time together outside of a ride, run or swim! So the beautiful ring he gave me helped push me off the commitment cliff. Now it is time to commit to the training, eating, sleeping and training that will be required for me to complete my first Ironman. More cliff diving.

I know there are thousands of blogs about people training for and completing their first, third or even final IM so this blog may not be compelling for many. I hope, however, that my daily adventures with friends, family, training, travel, coaching and more will entertain some, compel others and entertain all. My blog will continue to convey the fun adventures I embrace as well as the good, the bad and the ugly that come with IM training, working full time and trying to have a life! HAHAHA!

So, as they say...today it begins...the countdown...180 days from today I will participate in my first IM with John, Tyler, Keith, Randi, Michelle, Anthony and thousands of others! I am excited and anxious about it as I need to kick ass in my sales job at Stellar this year! I have to develop a much deeper pipeline and get people to BUY! I am also hoping to take on more athletes to coach in 2012 and beyond...so it is GAME ON!

The Christmas holiday was awesome with friends and family and I hope they stay connected as the days roll along!

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