Thursday, March 18, 2010

March Madness

The last couple of weeks have been really fun. I started the month by "kid sitting" for Noell's kids, Zach and Taylor while Noell had her 3rd and FINAL hip surgery! It was great fun to hang with the teens and get to know them. They are really great kids and it was good fun! I still can't believe I took them to see Valentine's Day! Oops! Sorry Noell!

My n
ew coach and I have begun to crank up the training and although the volume seems low it feels great to feel healthy and strong again. I don’t think I got as out of shape as I do some winters but I also haven’t been training 15+ hours/week so it is a very different feeling for

me this time of year. I am headed to the Moab ½ this weekend and traditionally my legs are trashed and I have a painful run and this year I am worried that I am under trained! Ugh! This is going to be such an interesting year…quality over quantity… quality over quantity… quality over quantity…

Last weekend my friend Christine Homer was in town on business and pleasure and as always we had a blast. I had mentioned that I wanted to paint my office since I have lived here for 6 years and never painted a wall…who knew she thinks she is Picasso! Because of other stress in my life I got overwhelmed when she and John started telling me “how to paint” so I let them have at it! I picked the most beautiful “guacamole green” and they went to work. I painted the big spaces with the rollers and otherwise stayed out of the way! I also bought a new desk so I can be better organized and now my office is gorgeous, peaceful, and warm and a space with great energy and creativity! I am going to paint my bathroom and bedroom next. I think I might do it without telling John and Christine just to prove I am capable…

We have been blessed with some awesome weather at least 1 day on the weekend so I have had GoGo out on the roads and climbing up Lookout Mountain. I feel strong and smooth on my bike. I have to say that the velodrome has made me a noticeably better cyclist which I am so happy about! John and I just signed up for another session with Michael. He is a great instructor and the other people who ride are great fun too. Nicole and I also got to try out our first TT practice with some of the gals from GS Boulder. Gelly, a wicked Cat 3 cyclist, came out and gave us instruction as we cruised the Haystack Race course. It was great fun to see the team start to gel a bit. I really love cycling and cruising in a pace line. I am always laughing and singing. I’m not even sure why…I only know I love it! Thanks for your help Gelly!

I have also been out on my new mountain bike FINALLY! It is such a sweet ride and even though the trails are snowy and muddy I am getting some good leg workouts up and down Waterton Canyon! I wouldn't recommend KC Valley yet! What a mud pit! Paula warned me that I would love mountain biking and as usual...she is right!

Well, it is safe to say I am looking forward to some major changes in my life this year and it will all start with the Moab ½ this weekend! Plus I get to party with my Fav MP, Barry, Keith, Andrea and of course Johnny will be with us as he prepares for his big marathon!


1 comment:

  1. This is Christine. Have any of you, as Beth's closest friends and family, every tried to tell her “how to anything?” Seriously. This is an exaggerated portrayal of events. HIGHLY exaggerated. In fact, Beth offered her input, it was received and executed, and she proves herself to be quite capable of painting - in additional to all her other capabilities in life.

    Let's spend one moment on how she tried to kill me walking up the stairs at Red Rocks. Have any of you given this a go with a world class triathlete? If you see these opportunities as "character building" I recommend it. Otherwise, I think sleeping in, reading and enjoying a nice cup of coffee in the morning is a viable alternative.

    That's what I have to say....and I love and respect Beth beyond words. Setting the record straight respectfully, Christine
